Tuesday 25 January 2011

All of a Sardine

Another 54 lengths successfully completed, although no mean feat as it was very busy in the pool, and we were playing Sardines in the change rooms at the end of my swim.  Wonder if I can get the fish to join the campaign...???

One lane was also taken off us, after everyone had hopped in and were into their stride; apparently they needed it for assessments - one whole lane for 2 peeps.  Anyway, we all squashed up and managed.

There have been several admiring glances at my fetching cap and no less than 3 people have asked me where they could purchase such a creation. 

Also remembered to put up my 'I'm swimming' notice board, and also remembered to put it away at the end - Health and Safety!

Hope I don't nod off in my meeting this afternoon....

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