Monday 24 January 2011

Monday - inaugural swim!

Complete with flowery swim cap, ear plugs, goggles and nose clip off I went to the pool during my lunch hour to start my first batch of lengths towards my 1410 target.

I soon discovered that the nose clip was too uncomfortable and hampered my breathing, and therefore my muscle efficiency, so it was removed.

Today I managed 54 lengths in the Geoff Moulder pool in 35 mins.  I'd like to be able to work up to 64 a session as that's an entire mile, but as I've only been training for 10 days, my body will gradually get used to the idea (it's not liking it much at the moment!).

I've been looking forward to the actual start as the planning and training has taken up a lot of my spare time - now I'm actually DOING the challenge and hope my efforts will help raise lots of money for Brain Tumour Research at Cancer Research UK

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