Tuesday 25 January 2011

Tuesday Snoozeday

As I'm wolfing down my Fruit 'n Fibre, here's my latest update.

Got up when the alarm rang out this morning, instead of waiting for the news and weather report to be over and done with.  As I'd been prepared last night and packed my work clothes and swim bag before hitting the sack, all I had to do was get up, into my cozzie and out the door.

Sounded so simple, a bit harder to do in reality.  Normally don't do anything without at least a cup of coffee in the morning, but my morning routine was very different today.

Got to the pool and althought it was only just past 7.30am, the place was already packed.  I opted for one of the lanes and managed to get 54 lengths done - goodo. 

Will still do my lunchtime session, so I imagine I'll be nodding off in my evening class tonight - but I won't be the only one as my fellow Virtual Channel swimmers Linda and Trina will probably also be pretty tired!

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