Monday 31 January 2011

980 lengths to go...

Splish splash - my 2nd Monday in the pool.

I did think I'd really struggle having not swum for 3 days in a row, as I went away for the weekend to celebrate achieving another year of wisdom.  I must admit, I didn't go for my early morning swim today as my eyes wouldn't open or focus when the alarm went off, and I thought it might be dangerous for me to drive in that condition to the pool first thing!  However, the lunchtime session went, well, eh hem, swimmingly.

Pool wasn't too busy and I only had to share the lane with one other swimmer and as we were both going at a fairly constant pace, we didn't get in each other's way.

Also, word about the Flower Power Cap is spreading as people see the cap and straight away say to me 'are you one of the ladies doing that Channel Swim for charity?' and I was chuffed that people know what we're doing.  A couple of more ladies will sign up on the sponsorship form too which always gives you a boost.

So, I swam 56 lengths this session - to add to last week's total of 374.

I'm hoping to get to the pool for an early session tomorrow morning, hope we don't have too many lane-rage incidents as it's too stressful a way to start your day!

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