Wednesday 26 January 2011

Splash Navs

So, another 54 lengths done and dusted.  I wasn't feeling particularly gung-ho first thing but am pleased I got it done and hope the feeling of invigoration will overwhelm the 'I want to curl up for a snooze somewhere quiet' feeling.

Pool was pretty busy when I first hopped in and there was, I sensed, a degree of testosterone-fuelled lane rage, or there seemed to be in my lane, as I was the only gal in that lane today.  I hadn't realised that men won't stop and ask for directions even in a pool.  The etiquette is to swim in a clockwise direction.  However, the smaller print, of which I was not aware, must have included the clause 'except for the last 8ft where you shall change to the other side for some reason and expect people in front of you to have eyes in the back of their swim cap so that they can see this manoeuvre'.

Thought I'd share with you a pic of a similar pair of trunks of which I had an eyeful today:

1 comment:

  1. Go girl, you're doing great. Olympics 2012?? I don't know how they DARE cut you up! What a fantastic personal achievement this is going to be. Hope the sponsorship keeps rolling in.
