Wednesday 26 January 2011

Swimming through treacle pudding

Boy did I find this session hard.  By lap 34 I was really feeling I couldn't go on, but I hit the wall, slowly swam over it and by the time I'd reached 40 the end was in sight.  The last 10-15 laps seem easier to get through.

There was a lot of support today which really bouyed (eh hem) me along.  Three 'good luck/good-on-yer's and another three donating/sponsoring and asking about the background as to why we're doing the Channel Swim. 

There was only one chap in the pool when I got in and I think he took one look at my fancy cap and got out pretty quick!  Not sure if there's a connection, but there wasn't much lane rage with us gals swimming which made the session a lot more enjoyable.

AND, last but not least, I've now done 270 lengths (64 lengths in a mile) and so by my calculations, I've done over 4 miles.  Brilliant and that will keep me focused.

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