Monday 7 February 2011

60 length swims!

I have just calculated that as I'm slightly ahead of where I need to be at present on my challenge, I'll be able to still get it done over this week and next, Monday to Friday as intended!  And, the added bonus is that I won't have to do early morning swims unless I want to.  I might try going on Wednesday as that morning wasn't so busy last week when I tried the early session - and at the end of the day, I don't mind doing a bit extra as I've become quite attached to my fetching cap!

1 comment:

  1. Are you in the shipping lane yet? Mind, they're sure to see you in that fetching cap! Hope the folks reading your blog put their hands deep into their pockets to sponsor you. No-one knows what's around the corner and I'm sure we all know of someone who has been 'touched' by this dreadful disease. Keep going Lou, the shores of France will soon be in sight.
