Tuesday 1 February 2011

Swimming with Royalty

Another successful session in the pool, and for the most part - stress-free.  I had some lovely ladies asking me how I was getting on and encouraging me to keep going, and I had a swimming buddy who joined me from work so it was nice to have someone to smile at and have a brief chat when I stopped to nurse my stitch!

I'd managed to get around 40 lengths in before my lane became pretty busy.  There were 3 fast swimmers and one of the Queen's cousins swimming along with us.  Well, I assume she was a member of the Royal Family as she appeared to own that specific part of Boston and in particular that bit of the pool.  She must be very important because the faster swimmers had to keep stopping to go around her as she propelled herself through the water with her very Royal Wave!  When it was suggested that she have to swim in an anti-clockwise direction like the rest of us, one was told that there was no need if the rest of us kept swimming as we were (i.e. around her!)

Anyway, it didn't upset me, I had a bit of a giggle about it.  I also managed to swim 58 lengths as I tried to speed along at the end.  So, over 8 miles now.

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