Thursday 3 February 2011

Duracell Dolphin

I'm very chuffed to say that I've just gone past the 11 mile, half way point!  I was even more pleased to get a round of applause from my self-appointed motivator and another lady who swims.

It seemed a bit surreal as I felt like I could just keep swimming and swimming in this session.  I did 60 lengths in around 35 mins which seems pretty good even if I do say so myself.  I do feel my biceps and triceps are about to take on a lifeform of their own though.

Our lady in the Marketing department at work is working hard to arrange a photographer/the press to be at the gym either Saturday 12 or Saturday 19 February to take photos and do a short review of the challenge for us.  We'll probably spend some time in the gym/swimming pool reception areas in our flowery caps and 'swimming to save lives' tshirts to raise the profile of what we're doing and why we're doing it.  As soon as I know more, I'll put the info on the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Flowery hats are in danger! Lost a big blue one today.
