Tuesday 15 February 2011

Mr and Mrs Slowcoach-Joinedatthehip-Smythe

Boy was it hard going today in the pool, for a number of reasons.

1  I really didn't feel like I had any energy and it seemed to take forever to do each length
2  I think the evils of hayfever are setting in as breathing through my mouth doing crawl made alarming wheezing noises and as I don't have a cold/flu and have done a few violent sneezes over the last few days, I do believe spring is boinging its way in
3  The pool was jolly cold.  I don't think the room heating was on, neither were the lights, and the water temperature was barely tepid.  It wasn't as bad as jumping into a loch in the middle of winter (as if I ever would...!) but I was glad to get out
4  About half way through my 64 lengths today, a couple joined me in the lane.  But, they were very slow and insisted on swimming side by side, I do believe Valentine's Day has been and gone, so not sure why they had to swim and gaze into each other's eyes

The end is in sight I guess, I'm looking forward to the Grande Finale on Saturday and seeing a few friends all wearing moustaches and berets and crying from the onions around their necks!

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