Monday 14 February 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

As I was off work today, I decided to go swimming in the earlier session to leave the rest of the day open to do whatever I so wished (and be pampered, spoilt etc etc)

I didn't rush to the pool for the start to deal with all the hardcore 'I own this bit of pool; drown or move out my way' swimmers.  I let it quieten down a bit and got there to start just after 8am.  It was still pretty busy but by about 8.20 or so, I had the lane to myself and managed to get my 64 lengths in with no problems. 

When I got back home I had a lovely surprise as I'd got a lovely bunch of flowers, a teddy, a ginormous card for Valentine's, and some nice pastries for breakfast.  So we put a nice pot of proper coffee on and had a lovely breakfast whilst deciding what to do with the day.  It started off deceptively sunny, but the breeze seems to have blown in a lot of clouds, so I think it's just as well we didn't head to the beach or anything for risk of exposure or being blown across the sea to Calais ahead of time!

Probably just chill or see what takes my fancy today.  Enjoy your Monday all!

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