Thursday 17 February 2011

Haw hee haw haw aw haw Les Rosbifs aw haw!

Marvellous moi swam 70 lengths today so only 68 left to go as I inch my way closer to the shores of Calais!

As a coincidental incident in the change rooms after the swim, a young French girl was chatting to me, whose name is also LOUISE!  Tres bien!  And she's a student at the college, and she knows about Boston's twinning with Laval in France.  And she informed us of a Mushroom Museum in a small village in France which is twinned with Swineshead (where one of my friends lives and which my friend mentioned to the French lass).

Sounds like we should definitely have at least one bottle of fizz lined up for the Grande Finale on Saturday.  That'll pop my cork!

And as more coincidence would have it, for my lunch I am eating a nice plate of roast beef, Yorkie puds, roast potatoes and gravy.  Yum Yum.  Balanced out of course afterwards with my freshly-prepared bowl of fruit salad.

I can smell the croissants - that'll keep me going!

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