Monday 7 February 2011

So glad I'm not flying across the Channel!

Cor blimey it's blowey out there.  I hope when I get home that my fence is still standing; I know a few people whose fences met a blustery end this weekend.

Luckily, the swimming pool is protected from the extreme elements and I was able to splash my way closer to La France.  I can't say that the water or room temperature was particuarly high, but maybe that is because the weather is slightly milder at present.

So, 60 more lengths which brings me to just under 13 miles or 824 lengths in total so far. 

My self-appointed motivator is going to rally around and get some cheerleaders ready for my last day - sounds a bit scary...

I think I prefer exercise in the form of Virtual Channel Swimming to that experienced at the weekend of Virtual Great Wall of China Building.  Moving gravel and bricks from one spot to another spot just slightly to the left of previous spot didn't do my back any good.  I think the swim has helped loosen some of the stiffness, thankfully no need for smelly Heat Rub just yet.

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