Friday 11 February 2011

Better late than never...

In all the excitement of finally finding some rubber glue to restick my poor posies to my swimming cap, I seem to have overlooked the time and apologise for not getting my blog down sooner!

A lot is going on to get the Grande Finale organised for Saturday 19 February, I just hope it'll all come together as it'll be a good laugh if everything slots into place.

I managed another 64 lengths today and my total now reaches 1080 lengths.  Just over 5 miles to Calais now; on a clear, fine day in calm waters I might just be able to spy France on the horizon!

Lincs FM did a nice mention this morning during Trina and Linda's morning swim, has got a few people talking about it which is the whole idea.

Hope Trina's knee is feeling less painful after the fall on Wednesday - it sounded sore Trina!

Linda managed 64 lengths today as well.

We are, none of us, the life and soul of parties at the moment.  We tend to nod off in front of the telly by around 6.30pm at the very latest!

I'm looking forward to having the French-themed event on Saturday 19th.

Anyone who is available and would like to come along, you're all VERY WELCOME.  We'll be there from just after 9am, the press should arrive around 11am and it should be nearly done and dusted by noon I would imagine.

Signing out for now me mateys!

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