Monday 21 February 2011

Trumpets a' tootin', flags a' wavin'

Saturday's Grande Finale went really well, swimmingly in fact!

We had a manageable crowd to support us, complete with French colours, berets, tashes, and waving flags.

We were very lucky to get photographers from both of the local papers and hopefully we'll get some good coverage of the next couple of weeks.

One of the highlights for me was meeting Ian and slurping the fizz he brought for us to celebrate our achievement.  Very kind (and very slurpsome!)

The manager and staff at the local pool can't have been more helpful and supportive, their input simplified our lives and Linda, Trina and I would like to thank them all.

It did seem a bit odd coming up to 11.30am today when I realised I didn't have to run out the office and across to the pool to get 64 lengths in.  Most people who've asked how Saturday went have asked me what I'm going to do next, I did think about a sponsored sit about and do nothing for a bit!

Thanks to motherduck and Jan for helping with the collection tins.
There were no fatalities with the helium canister either, although the noise it makes scared the living daylights out of anyone within the vicinity, including balloon filler!

Thanks to our friends who gave up part of their Saturday morning to come and support us.

Well done to my fellow swimmers for their achievements.  Linda swam 100 lengths in one go on Saturday which her body told her off for afterwards! 

And of course to everyone who has donated - your generosity is appreciated, thank you.

Online donations can still be made via

Later in the week, I should be able to put some piccies up of us in our fabulous floral caps, only if everyone promises to not use them for blackmail material!

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