Wednesday 2 February 2011

The mysterious disappearance of Permatan Man

Hie die Hi followers!

I must say that this morning's early swim session was amazing.  The two worst offenders for ignoring pool etiquette were not present for some reason, and amazingly, the 'swim anti-clockwise' rule worked very very well.  I got a further 54 lengths in within a decent time and without any stress.  The pool was still pretty busy but if we all follow the rule and swim at a similar speed, we don't get in anyone else's way.

Weather report says it'll be 8 degrees celsius today, it certainly didn't feel anywhere near that temperature when I left the house, or when I came into work - still, we might see an improvement yet.  We didn't have to scrape ice off the cars this morning so that's always a bonus.

I've printed off a map of the Channel and stuck it up on a corkboard in my office and take GREAT delight moving the pin every time I've done more lengths.  So far, I've covered just over 9 miles, or 40% of the distance (until I move the pin again after my lunchtime swim!)

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