Wednesday 16 February 2011

The End is Nigh

Despite the will to swim as fast as possible to the end, it again seemed so hard to get my 64 lengths in today.  I managed it though; it was tough as the water again wasn't particularly warm and I don't think the central heating ducts are working as you definitely felt a chill on any bits of your anatomy which came out of the water as you propelled yourself from one end to the other!

It was slightly disconcerting in that today I was sharing the fast lane with a chap who must be some serious pro who's training for some mega event.  There were no fisticuffs and it was all very civilised, but I tried to keep up to start with thinking it would get me motivated and focused.  After about two lengths I was pooped and gave that up for a laugh!

Still not too sure how well plans are slotting into place for Saturday's Grande Finale.  I do, however, have some French hand wave flags so that's a start!  Am crossing fingers that by tonight I might hear back confirmations on the tentative arrangements and very much hope it will go according to plan.

Now have clocked up 1272 lengths and have just over 2 miles to go!!!

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