Thursday 10 February 2011

Hip hip hooray!

A lot of cheerful, positive stuff today!

My self-appointed motivator got a generous donation for the sponsor form from a Judge - no less, who heard about it and straight away asked to support the cause.

Then, at length 48 today I REACHED THE 1,000 LENGTH POINT!!!!  I carried on to 64 to bring it to another mile and have now clocked up 1,016 lengths or just under 16 miles.

Also, when I mentioned that our Grande Finale (which we were hoping to get sorted for Saturday 19 February) would be French-themed as the locals welcome us to Calais, my motivator had a few more brilliant ideas which I'm exploring.  If they come to anything, I will put more details down in the blog asap.

It looks like we're on track for having the press photographer to cover the event on Saturday 19 February and he'll be there at 11am.  That should give us time to get organised, get some swimming done, give our supporters time to get to the pool to rally, cheer and look like convincing Frenchmen from Calais. 

Have all sorts of feelers out at the moment to see if we can borrow flags, bunting etc etc but waiting to hear back at the moment.  Any supporters who are available to cheer us on next Saturday are VERY WELCOME.  We will probably be there from just after 9am so come when you're ready.  Please support the French theme - the more original the ideas, the better!

I had a nightmare last night.  I was trying to get from A to B (can't remember where or why) but everyone insisted that I had to swim there.  Which was fine, but I didn't have my ear plugs or goggles and I was pretty miffed that I was being forced to subject myself to a likely dose of ear and eye infection!

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