Friday 18 February 2011


Never before have the words 'one thousand, four hundred and ten - COMPLETED' sounded so good!

Today's 68 lengths saw me virtually reaching the shores of Calais, mais zut alors, at the very last moment with the shore in sight (in my mind at the very least), it seems that the tide has started turning and therefore I shall be covering a mile in the pool tomorrow, Saturday - when we have our Grande Finale.

Hope to see everyone who's available at the pool tomorrow, as it should be fun!

1 comment:

  1. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S Louise, what a fantastic achievement. Looking forward to tomorrow when all the French dignitaries are there to greet you at the waters edge! Fancy a swim on Monday??? Oh no, the dear kiddiwinks will be there on half term......perhaps the following week.
