Wednesday 2 February 2011

Peas and tranquility

That was a very civilised swim session this lunchtime.  I managed to do 58 lengths without any stress - the first few my hips were protesting 'you've swum already today, what are you doing?' but once I got into the flow of things, there were no aches or pains.

 The weathermen said it's 8 degrees today; it might be, but I think they mean for somewhere in the southern hemisphere.  It's cold enough out there to freeze your peas!

I shared a lane with another lady who was also swimming quite quickly and there was no splashing or crashing.  Should feel pretty chilled this afternoon with any luck, hope I don't nod off though.  I'm going to see the King's Speech with my fellow swimmers and a few pottery buddies tonight after work and then a cheap and cheerful meal, so I have to be alert and with it later!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let everyone know that peas are poison, need to get the word out there to save lives!
